Saturday 21 April 2001

I found a cool site for the band Leatherface that I saw at Bottom of the Hill back in March. It includes a tour diary where they talk about each show with a concise brevity that I can only aspire to *sigh* I have to restrain myself to keep these entries from rambling on. Plus I don't think concise needs brevity behind it. Might be redundant, as are most of my posts... I will add the link to my favorites page when I'm in the mood to mess about with PageBuilder (haven't got the patience tonight).
Wish I knew more about HTML so I could make this blog page look nicer instead of just the standard boring look. I seem to be the only one stuck in this rut when I check out other peoples blogs.
E-mailed Captain Sensible of the Damned today, well it was Ask Captain and presumably it is something that he reads eventually. He's funny, I enjoyed reading the questions and answers that were already posted.
Friday went to the Leopard which is downstairs from my work. I always smell their food in the elevator. It makes me crave hamburgers which I normally try to stay away from. Later on, crashed on Marcus's couch while he proceeded on to The Mallard (I've seen enough of that...) His couch is not real comfortable, flat and vinyl and makes you sweat.
Today I felt exhausted. Saw my sister and the twins. Going to see Bridget Jones's Diary later.

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