Thursday, 14 February 2008

pictures i stole from flees bulletin myspace graphic comments

What is so loving about a raccoon safecracking and committing a felony? myspace graphic comments

This kid plans on tying you up and then pistol whipping you into being his love. How romantic. myspace graphic comments

Yet another raccoon thief. What in the world is going on here? myspace graphic comments

Don't be insulting and maybe I will. myspace graphic comments

I have no comment... you can only imagine. myspace graphic comments

Why so smug? Am I supposed to drop to my knees and proclaim just how unworthy I am of your love? I'm so honored to be yours dear sir!!! You're a stinky woodland creature, get over yourself! myspace graphic comments

Immonna beat you until you love me. And how!trong>

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