Tuesday, 4 April 2006


Where on earth are all of my socks??? Today I have to wear one long one with snowmen embroidered on it, and one short one with a ghost in an orange wig and the legend "Ghouls Night Out".

It has been pouring rain non-stop to the point of annoyance...the gutters are flooding and we have that stupid sort of curb that curves down into the street rather than ending it a proper squarish way...maybe it has its advantages but none of them are apparent to me.

But to heck with all that...I am excited to go on my first train trip and see Alex and the awesome David Sedaris...and maybe even my favorite place...you know, Disneyland...SoCal here I come, and ya better have some sun for the ol' girl...


Anonymous said...

Hey Kooky!
I'm a comment refugee today. Buzznet wasn't letting me give my two cents worth.

Also, it's raining here too! I hope it doesn't rain in D-land. Although maybe that would thin out the crowds some?

I don't know where your socks are. They sound cute. I just have plain ones.

Anonymous said...

ahhh, david sedaris, jealousy abounds on my side of the country...now i must listen to the misfits...

Anonymous said...

Holy fuckin Hell, the socks thing made me snort. I hate that shit. One day I had to wear one STAR sock and one J sock. Yours was funnier though.