what a weird day today was....
my sister talked me into going to see some "motivational speaker" and I figured what the heck, it was free, it might be funny and I will have plenty of time to mock it when I'm living in a van down by the river.
So we went, and it was some weirdo Christian thing...my sister's friends had recommended this lady. She came out and started talking about speaking in tongues...I thought that means you are possessed by a demon. But apparently, according to this woman, that is a viable way of praying to God. She said in the morning (the moment she wakes up, before she puts on her makeup) she says a little prayer in tongues. She was literally going "hummminaaa summina babalooooo" okay she didn't say babaloo. But she asked for everyone to let the Holy Spirit fill them and all the people around me started making strange noises and some of them were weeping. I said Baba Booey three times. Ya know, I do speak in tongues from time to time but I would not think it was praying. I thought it was a symptom of drunkeness. Anyway, my sister- who is Christian as hell (not that Hell is Christian...I mean..ya know what I mean) turned to me and said let's go. Which was good cuz I was choking back more giggles than I could stifle without causing myself physical pain. This preacher lady was like a cross between Dorothy and Blanche on the Golden Girls. She had Dorothy's face and voice and Blanche's hair and accent. What's scary is if it hadn't been for my sister I probably would have continued to watch. It was crazy. You're all individuals! "Yes! We are all individuals!" heheheh.
I'm used to talking and people not listening so blogger has been a really good thing for me heheh
people that are always going on about their religion freak me out. I'd like to believe that there is a heaven and you get to see all your loved ones that died again but there is so much weirdness in religion that I just can't quite uh- ya know. I do like going to church on Christmas and all the religious Christmas songs, but that is more nostalgia than anything, i think. I'd like to think there is something more but I always feel cold about religion. But I also sometimes get alsmost superstitous (how the hell do you spell that) about it just because of how I was raised...My religious sister freaks me out cuz her from what she's told me her method of prayer is all "me me me me and I want" like she is praying to Santa Claus.
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